Tips for Dealing with a Neighbor’s Aggressive Dog

by | Nov 10, 2015 | Business

Most people love animals, and just as many people have been put in the position of being afraid to walk out of their own front door for fear that they will be attacked by the neighbor’s dog. When you get to the point where you are afraid to let your children play in their own backyard because of the snarls, barks, and lunges against the fence from the dog next door it is time to call in animal control in Dallas, TX. There are many reasons that a dog may be aggressive, from being mistreated to just being taught to be mean. Below find some tips on how to deal with a neighbor’s aggressive dog the right way. If these tips do not work for you or you are afraid, then you need to call animal control in Dallas, TX area to take care of the problem for you.

Try to Be Diplomatic and Talk about It

It is possible that your neighbor is already aware of the problem and will be willing to sit and talk to you calmly about it. You need to give your neighbor time to take care of the problem, before calling animal control in this case. If you want to get good results from your neighbor then you have to be nice, as well. That means no yelling at them or leaving mean, threatening notes on their door describing what you are going to do if they don’t do something with their dog.

Always Stand Your Ground

You are going to have to stand your ground on this, especially if the dog is aggressive and you are afraid for your family. Remember that you have the right to be able to leave your house, to walk your dogs without being scared, and to let your children play in their own backyard. If the neighbor refuses to do something about the dog, then it is time to call in animal control to have something done about the animal. Make sure that you call a professional company that is humane and will try to figure out what is making the dog the way he is, because nine times out of ten an aggressive dog has been abused or taught to be mean. Once you have called animal control, make sure that you follow through and do what you need to do to stop the aggression.

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