The importance of a proper oil change in Columbia, MD

by | Oct 25, 2013 | Automotive

Getting a maintenance oil change is mandatory when purchasing a car. In fact, one of the most important things you can do is to make sure you have your routine oil change. Columbia, MD drivers are no stranger damaging effects of not having a routine oil change.

The Top 5 reasons why you have to make sure you receive your schedule oil change, Columbia MD Drivers need to know:

1. Contamination.
2. Engine failure
3. Shorter vehicle life
4. Poor Performance

There are many different fluids that run through the engine of a basic automobile. These fluids require maintenance which include replacing, draining, and buying the proper brand and chemical supplements. Depending on the type of car, you will need to know whether your vehicle requires regular oil or synthetic oil. Every engine is designed differently and although they functions very similarly, each contains special instructions, guidelines, and procedures for maintaining its longevity. It is important to know how many miles your car requires before its scheduled oil change. Check your owner’s manual for your vehicle’s required maintenance.

30 minutes and you are done

There are always shops that offer a fast oil change. Columbia, MD drivers can easily show up at a local garage, get an oil change while eating lunch. By the time you have eaten and digested your meal, you car will be ready and waiting for your departure. Getting an oil change is easy and very affordable

Don’t Fail to get your car inspected

It is very easy to forget to make sure to get an oil change right after buying a car. Checking the coolant of the oil is not sufficient reason enough to not get an oil change. Columbia, MD mechanics are well aware of how important it is to change your car’s fluids as soon as you take the car off the lot. By doing so you will have peace of mind knowing that your car is off to a great start.

For more information about oil changes in Columbia, MD, feel free to visit Columbia Auto Care And Wash right away. The professional team is ready and waiting to assist you with all of your vehicular concerns.

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