Ready for Anything: How to Decorate Your Hurricane Doors in Florida

by | Aug 3, 2022 | Doors & Windows

If you’ve lived in Florida for any length of time, you’re probably aware of the importance of hurricane doors in Lakeland, Tampa, and other danger zones. The good news is that you don’t have to purchase boring, functional models. Here are just a few tips for bringing style to disaster readiness!

Consider Glass Door Inserts

Glass door inserts are exactly what they sound like: panes of glass installed in the center of a door. They can bring in natural light while also serving as a decorative element if they’re painted or engraved with a design. For example, an etched turtle on hurricane impact glass door insert might pair well with a nautical or coastal home design.

Paint Your Door

A fresh paint job is one of the easiest ways to transform old hurricane doors in Lakeland. It can be especially striking if you paint it a bold and unusual color that sticks out from the rest of your home’s exterior appearance! It can also be used to bring a little pizzazz to a heavy and utilitarian hurricane door that can’t be altered in other ways.

Consider Different Materials

You can create a hurricane-ready door out of many different materials. You don’t have to bunker down behind stainless steel. Just reinforce your favorite material with things like weather seals, wind locks, impact-resistant glass, and heavy-duty guide hinges.

It’s possible to have strong, durable, and fashionable home decor all at once. Give your property a makeover with things like an etched turtle on hurricane impact glass door insert! The first step is calling The Glass Door Store at their website.

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