Pet Surgery: What You Should Expect

by | Sep 26, 2019 | Veterinary

You know when your pet isn’t feeling well, but sometimes it’s hard to decide whether they’re just a little “off” or there’s something truly wrong. Because animals can’t tell us the problem, it’s best to err on the side of caution.

The minute you get the sense that something’s not quite right with your pet, don’t wait around thinking it’ll go away. Before the situation worsens, make sure to bring your pet to an animal clinic for a check-up and possible treatment. For some, that possible treatment might also include surgery so pick an animal hospital that offers pet surgical services.

This can be traumatic if you aren’t emotionally prepared for it, especially if you find out that your pet already has a severe illness. To help you deal with this, here are a few of the things you can expect for the next couple of days as your pet goes through the surgery.

Before the Surgery

Expect that the staff at the Animal hospital or clinic will get your pet’s medical history. Then they’ll perform a laboratory and blood analysis to find out if your pet is healthy enough for the surgery. This includes checking the condition of your pet’s liver and kidney. At this point, the hospital crew will do everything to find out if your pet has any existing allergies, which medications will work with the blood type, which ones won’t, how much anesthesia your pet will need and other equally important questions as they prepare your pet to undergo whatever pet surgical services are necessary to fix the problem.

When Surgery Happens

Your pet will receive a sedative and anesthesia to prepare for the surgery ahead. The sedative will help reduce your pet’s anxiety and stress while the anesthesia will keep whatever pet surgical services your pet will undergo pain-free. Some animal clinics or hospitals, like the any, offer an inhalant anesthetic and have an anesthetic technician on hand to make sure the patient’s vital signs are measured and monitored. These are all done to help ensure your pet’s safety in every way.


Depending on the type of surgery done, your pet will either be moved to a recovery ward or you can immediately take your pet home a day or two after the procedure. Your surgeon and doctor will advise you of the proper post-surgery care, along with pain medication for your pet’s recovery. Take note of all the home care details. If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to call up the doctor for confirmation.

And lastly, what you can expect is a lot of demanding attention from your pet, post-surgery. With lots of love and care, they’ll feel better in no time.

Is your pet sick? Fort Hunt Animal Hospital offers pet surgical services to help your pet heal and recover. Talk to us about it. You can also find them on Facebook.

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