Any piece of wood could be described as timber but, in general usage, we tend to think of timber in commercial terms, especially the uses that timber can be put to once a tree has been felled and cut up into lumber. Construction still requires a lot of timber, even if buildings constructed entirely of wood are no longer the norm. The furniture industry still consumes a lot of timber despite the availability of synthetic (plastic) or metal chairs, tables, etc. On top of that, we still burn a lot of wood; a log fire is considered desirable and many have great faith in wood burning stoves and domestic furnaces. There is, therefore, still a big demand for the raw timber which can only be obtained by cutting down trees or removing large branches from live trees.
However, trees can take a long time to grow to the point where they offer useable timber; so-called “fast growth” trees produce wood that is more suited to the pulp and paper industry rather than true quality timber. Furthermore, we put land to all sorts of uses and are at a point where we no longer have large, open tracts of land where we can plant new trees to replace those we have cut for their timber.
All these factors have led to the development of specialist companies like Timber Management Tioga County, NY who provide advice, help and service to landowners seeking to use their land for timber production. In the old days, you could buy a tract of land, literally clear it by hand and then plant your tree seedlings and sit back and wait for them to mature. This may have been a long term investment but, it still offered a good return.
Land prices are no longer low; regulations now restrict what you can do with your land and environmentalists confront you at every turn. Without doubt, anyone investing in timber will need the services provided by the likes of Timber Management Tioga County NY. Such people “know their trees”; which types will grow where, how long they take to grow and which have the highest value. Beginning with the land which will have to be cleared and made ready for your tree planting, through the growing period and up to the felling, hauling away and sale of your timber, they are the experts that you should have on your side.
All Pro Able Tree Service have experience in all aspects of timber management. They can clear your land for new trees or harvest your existing trees and haul the timber to a facility of your choice. Alternatively, they can fell your trees and then purchase the timber from you. To know more visit