When we look at the branch of the animal world occupied by mammals; we can easily see the visible differences between the different species. A human being might bear some physical resemble to many of the monkey clan but neither really look much like a cat or a dog – much less a rabbit. However, look al little closer, as mammals, we all have the identifying breasts but, we also have mouths, noses, eyes, ears and limbs in common (even if we use those limbs for different purposes). If we could see inside a mammal, we would also see that bones, muscle, fatty tissue and blood are remarkably similar over all the species.
Same Medical Problems & Needs
With so much in common, it should be obvious that a pet with a broken bone has the same problems as his owner would with a similar fracture. Likewise, cavities and such in human teeth, can readily occur in animal teeth. And, the list goes on. It even includes disease problems like cancer and arthritis; even many bacteria and viruses are capable of infecting human and animal alike.
The Human Facilities
With humans, when we think we might have a medical problem, some might choose to visit a general medical practitioner for advice regarding the problem. Others may choose to bypass this step and take themselves directly to a hospital. There, they will find doctors in most specializations with whom they can consult; plus specialist diagnostic equipment; emergency rooms for the more immediately needed treatment, operating theatres, intensive care units and recovery rooms and, all of this in addition to what is basically a place to sleep in (be it private room or ward). Everything is there at the same place – a virtual one stop shop for all medical problems.
Facilities For Animals
We have discussed how an animal’s needs are basically the same as those of a human; but, there is a subtle difference in the way that these needs are seen to. Treatment for health issues, injury, disease, etc in animals has to start with the affected animal being seen by a veterinarian operating out of an established clinic or practice. Assuming the clinic is well staffed and equipped; all diagnostic and treatment procedures will be conducted there. The animal will only be placed in a Veterinary Hospital In Chicago for recuperation, monitoring or convalescence after receiving treatment at the vet’s. One such facility is run by the Metropolitan Veterinary Center.
Contact Metropolitan Veterinary Center for more information.