Any act of abuse or assault against a family member is classified as domestic violence. When these actions are against a spouse or child, the court can step in and provide legal protection against an attacker. A Family Attorney in Lubbock TX can help victims receive the protection they need.
The first step for acquiring legal protection against domestic violence is to contact law enforcement. Officers can arrest the attacker at the time of the assault. This gives the victim the opportunity to acquire a permanent record of the attack to present to the court. A court-assigned protection order can prevent further violence against the spouse or children.
Initiating a Protection Order
After the victim reports the attack, their attorney files a motion with the court to acquire an order of protection. This court order prohibits the attacker from returning to the location in which the victim lives or works. If the victim was a child, the court order prevents the individual from visiting their school, daycare, or any areas within a close proximity to areas in which they child may be located.
The protection order also prohibits activities such as consuming alcoholic beverages or using controlled substances. If necessary, the court may require the defendant to undergo anger management courses or addiction treatment programs. The court issues supervised visitation with children as well.
Approaching Child Custody
At any time that the attacker violates the protection order, the victim or victims may contact law enforcement. Violations of a protection order are reviewed during child custody hearings. If the attacker is the former spouse, these violations could prevent them from acquiring custody of the child. When this is the case, the judge may extend the protection order and re-evaluate the case after one year.
Victims of domestic violence may acquire an order of protection to prevent further abuse or assault. When a divorce case is connected to this order, it is probable that the victim or victims may be relocated for their own protection. Families that need legal assistance should contact Kyra K. Blankenship Attorney, A Family Attorney in Lubbock TX.