If you have applied for your Social Security Disability benefits and you have been denied, there is a good chance that you are wondering what you are going to do next. After all, you need a way to support yourself as well as your family. Maybe you aren’t aware of the fact that you can hire a Social Security attorney in Evanston to represent you. Before you get discouraged because you have been denied, navigate to this website and make arrangements to meet with an attorney as soon as possible.
Your attorney is happy to talk with you about the different things that are going on in your life. He is going to need to know more about your health problems. If you are not old enough to retire, you are going to need to provide your medical history. You will also need something from your doctor stating that you are honestly disabled. If you can provide this paperwork, it will be a good start to the application process. It’s important to remember that many people are denied the first time they apply. Therefore, you don’t want to give up.
Pick up the phone today and contact your Social Security Attorney in Evanston for advice. Your attorney will make arrangements to meet with you in person. At this point, he can ask you a number of questions and help you to fill out your application and get it submitted. After you have been denied a few times, you will be given the opportunity to go to court for your case. This will give you the chance to state your concerns to the judge. If the judge decides that you do have health problems, he will go ahead and give you the money that you are asking for.
This can often be a lengthy process. However, when you are finally awarded your benefits, it is well worth it. Make arrangements to talk with a professional about your benefits today. Even though it may be a difficult process, it may be your only option when it comes to being able to support yourself. Visit The Law Offices of Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. online for more information.