Why Even the Smallest Company Needs Commercial Insurance in Tulsa, Oklahoma

by | May 5, 2015 | Insurance

If you operate any type of business, you must have insurance. It is important to protect yourself, but also any employees you may have as well as your customers. There are numerous types of business policies available and the type of work you do will influence what you will need to purchase.

Even if you are a sole proprietor and your work has little risk involved, there is always the chance of losing everything you have worked so hard to establish. Accountants can make addition errors that cost their clients’ money or a housekeeper could break something valuable. In any business, a customer could fall on your property, become harmed by something you have done, or you could be involved in an auto accident.

Commercial Insurance in Tulsa OK, is needed even when a business is run from a home. Your residential homeowners insurance will not cover business expenses. Tools and inventory will not be covered if stolen or damaged, and a slip and fall on your property from someone who was there for any reason other than personal will not be eligible for a claim under a homeowner’s policy.

Auto insurance is the same. If you transport tools or people as part of your business or you use your vehicle to deliver goods of any type, you may need to have a commercial policy to be protected in the event of an accident. If you have any questions about what would be covered and what is not, you need to talk to your agent to find out before it is too late.

Other policies that every self-employed individual should invest in are worker’s compensation and disability coverage. If your company cannot operate without you, it is imperative that you make certain you and your family will still have an income should an accident or illness keep you out of commission for a period of time.

Commercial Insurance in Tulsa OK, is much more affordable than many people think it will be. It really is one of the most cost-effective and important expenses your business should invest in. If you have any questions or would like to get some quotes for your company, visit the website to learn more.


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