Why Asbestos is a Concern

by | Jun 17, 2013 | Business Services

Asbestos is a very dangerous carcinogen. Prolonged exposure to it may cause diseases such as mesothelioma and lung cancer. It was once installed within the walls of buildings because it was resistant to fire and absorbed sound. It was not until later that it was discovered to cause such serious diseases.

Asbestos in Older Buildings

Today a lot of the older buildings in Florida still have asbestos in the walls. To know for sure whether there is asbestos in the wall or not, a person just needs to test the walls for asbestos. There are two options when it comes to asbestos testing in Florida. One is to get a home asbestos testing kit. The other is to hire a professional company to do the asbestos testing.

Testing Kits

The asbestos home testing kit can be purchased from most hardware stores or home improvement stores. It comes with all of the necessary tools to gather the test samples as well as packaging for shipment to a test lab. The test lab is the only place where the sample can be tested for asbestos. There is a small fee involved with this, as well. It takes about a week to ten days for the lab to analyze the sample and return the results.


The other option for asbestos testing Florida is to hire a professional company. When hired the asbestos company will come out to the building’s location and run the tests right there. They will be able to accurately test and confirm any presence of asbestos. If there is any asbestos within the walls, the company can then provide the service of extracting the asbestos and removing it completely from the premises.

A lot of people opt for the cheaper option of purchasing their own home testing kit for asbestos. The disadvantage here is the wait time. A person will still have to pay the lab fees, but they will also have to wait a while until the lab runs the asbestos tests and returns the results. If there is asbestos within the walls, a person will still have to hire an asbestos removal company. Any person who suspects that he or she might have asbestos is better off going ahead and hiring an asbestos testing and removal company.

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