What Should Be Offered By A Search Engine Optimization Service In Chicago?

by | Dec 15, 2014 | SEO Services

When most people hear search engine optimization, they think of keywords and articles. While writing great content with strategically-spaced keywords is part of the package, there are multiple services offered and each service provides one small part of the entire package. Chicago companies seeking SEO services should consider what is available and what they need.


The first step for any business is to have great content. Whether you want the SEO company to write the content for you or edit it to make it more SEO friendly is up to you, as many companies in Chicago will offer writing content as part of their packages. You can also ask the SEO firm to help with keyword research, which will provide you with popular keywords in your niche area. Your content must be found by others if it is to be worthwhile, and when someone searches for those keywords, they will come across your article or blog.

Local Searches

Search engines are very popular, especially those like Google. However, many people are choosing to use local searches within Google and can take away from your rankings. If you own a business that sells cleaning solutions in Chicago, you want to ensure that those searching for those items in that area can find your business. There are many great optimization tools for local website searches.

Social Media Marketing

Social media are one of the easiest ways to get in touch with people. If you are not currently on social media with your business, you are missing out. An SEO service will typically offer blog writing, article submissions, video optimization, press release writing, social bookmarking and even RSS feeds. Of course, each service may be available through the higher-end packages, so you may need to purchase a larger package to get the services you require.

Links and Reports

Many times, you can link to other websites that are in a similar niche as you, as long as you agree to include a few links from that company as well. While you may feel it takes away from your business, it is a shared trade between two similar businesses. If you own a maid service, you may want to link to a company that sells cleaning solutions. Reports can include monthly ones, current performance checks and statistics from Google.

A search engine optimization service in Chicago will likely include many great choices in your package. SEOSolutions.us offer many packages to fit whatever your needs may be.

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