Things to Consider to About Breast Enlargement in Wichita

by | Feb 20, 2014 | Plastic surgery

Breast Enlargement Wichita procedures can make the chest appear fuller and bigger. There are different reasons why patients have breast augmentation. Some people undergo the surgery to improve their physical appearance, and others do so after having a mastectomy. If you are thinking about having the surgery, you should research the different procedures.

Many people are curious about augmentation but are not sure about how the surgery is performed. Most plastic surgeons schedule a consultation, which is a good time to address any concerns. There are two common types of implants, which are silicone and saline. According to the FDA, a female patient has to be 18 years old before getting saline implants and 22 years old for silicone implants. There are regulations on this type surgical procedure because the female body continues to develop until the early 20’s.

An experienced surgeon is essential when choosing to have your breasts enhanced. Patients want to choose someone who has extensive training and has performed the surgery many times. An experienced surgeon knows what to expect and know how to produce the desired look for the patient. When you choose an inexperienced surgeon, the chances are higher of developing serious complications. There are so many things to consider when having major surgery. For instance, the hospital stay is a concern because some patients have to work or have families. When deciding to get an augmentation, patient may have the option of staying overnight or having an outpatient procedure.

The time for the surgery is another concern. This procedure may take from one to two hours. Patients are injected with general anesthesia, which allows for being pain-free and being asleep. The surgery also involves doing a cut under the arms, nipples or breast. The location of the incision depends on the size of the implant, body type and the type of implant. The implant is usually placed below or above the chest muscle. The incision is closed with surgical tape or sutures after the implant is put in place. After Breast Enlargement Wichita procedures, it is important give the body time to recover.

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