The Benefits of an HECM

by | Dec 12, 2016 | Financial Services

Thinking about your future can be stressful. You want to ensure that you have a nice retirement fund saved up to forget about struggling through your later years. While there are plenty of options, you might not feel as thrilled about most. Pursuing an HECM for purchase can help you get what you need for your future. There are several benefits to a reverse mortgage, and understanding the advantages can assist you in your decision.

Value of HECM

When you are considering an HECM for purchase you need to know how the value of the mortgage is determined. First, lenders will take a look at the value of your home. Your age will also be taken into consideration. Once the value is determined, you will be given the opportunity to take advantage of the reverse mortgage, meaning that you will see a larger monthly income from which you can live off during your retirement.

What to Expect

It is important to understand that there will be several fees attached to an HECM for purchase. Before you make your final choice, speak with a lender about the fees and see if you can learn about what the overall costs will be for you. In order to benefit from a reverse mortgage, you want to make sure that you will not be paying more than you can save from your new stream of income. It is also important to remember that you retain the ownership of your home, with the HECM acting as a lien.

There are several reasons for you to think about an HECM for purchase. If you want to save for your retirement, and you think that you could use your home to your advantage, then begin to explore your options. Find the right fit, learn about the fees, and live out your retired years in comfort. For additional information on our HECM for purchase, contact Longbridge Financial today.

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