Looking to Learn How to Hook up a Generator to a House?

by | Mar 9, 2022 | Electricians and Electrical

Having a generator can be a hugely valuable thing when an emergency strikes. When the power goes out, you can never be quite certain when it will come back. Ideally, it will be no more than an hour but anything after that and things get dicey.

This is why having a generator can be so valuable. But do you know how to hook up a generator to a house? The process is actually quite simple and you can do it in a number of ways.

Generator Cords

The simplest way for how to hook up a generator to a house is with a generator cord. For most small- and mid-sized generators, a generator cord will do just fine. It should allow you to use a few appliances during a storm easily.

All you do is plug the cord into a 20- or 30-amp outlet on the generator; the other end splits out onto the other outlets, where you can add additional extension cords safely.

Power Transfer System

Without a doubt, the best method for using a generator is a power transfer system. It is the best in terms of safety, power, and convenience, especially when it comes to connecting larger portable generators.

A power transfer system is everything that you could need to hook a generator up to your home. Even better, they energize entire circuits instead of simply energizing the appliances. They can even power hard-wired appliances.

To know more information contact Nalset Electrical Services.

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