If you are unable to work due to a medical condition and your doctors expect this condition to last at least a year, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. While you may qualify for benefits because of your condition, the application process is not easy. There are forms that have to be filled out either online, over the phone or in person and many claims are initially denied due to inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the responses on the application. If your Disability claim is denied, it is important to begin the appeal process right away. A Social Security Disability lawyer in Kansas City may be able to help you get your Social Security Disability claim approved.
Whether you have already been denied benefits or you need assistance filing your claim, a Social Security Disability lawyer in Kansas City can help you. Lawyers understand the application process and how to answer the questions on the application consistently so your credibility isn’t brought into question. While you may hope to recover and get back to work and your doctor may be optimistic that you will recover and eventually be able to lead a normal life, it is important to reflect your current condition on the Social Security Disability application form. If you are unable to work, you shouldn’t answer the questions as if you will be able to return to work soon. A lawyer may advise you to consider your worst day when you fill out the forms.
According to the Social Security Administration, less than half of the disability claims that are filed are approved. However, up to 80 percent of claims that were initially denied are approved on appeal when the applicant is represented by an attorney. When you hire a social security disability lawyer in Kansas City, your attorney will look over your application and the Social Security Administration’s reasons for their denial. Your lawyer may work closely with you and your doctors to gather information to present at your appeal hearing. In some instances, a lawyer may be able to move the process along more quickly through the system to get a faster decision on your appeal.