A trade show is a valuable opportunity to demonstrate the products or services of a company or an individual business person. All types of potential buyers come to these shows because they can see most everything new in their field, and the buyers can talk to the product representatives or the business owners directly. This is a perfect time for the buyers to test a new product, or find a new product that will help grow their business. The opportunities for new business from a trade show are endless.
Trade show exhibitors use display booths almost exclusively to present their products and services to the the people visiting the trade shows. According to The Spend Decision: Analyzing How Exhibits Fit Into The Overall Marketing Budget, 81% of trade show attendees have buying authority, and B2B exhibitions were 39.2% of their company’s marketing budgets, which is the largest amount spent on any one marketing source.
However, knowing that trade show attendees have a lot of buying authority, the challenge becomes how to translate that authority into the selling of your products. The Trade show booth display is the proven method for attracting the attention of the buyer and for converting that attention into sales. The exhibitor wants to choose from the widest selection of pop-ups, portable modular and graphic displays.
The trade show display should be eye-catching and at the same time showcase your products or services in a manner that will interest the buyer in the items or services you are promoting. An exhibit that looks like it wasn’t put together well turns off potential buyers. An exhibit that appears to have cost very little to put on the floor will cause people to keep on walking. Your exhibit is the only indication about your business that the potential customer can see. A high quality Trade show booth display will attract customers and will also present the type of company that you want to be seen as.