Why Canadians Need Canadian Web Hosting

by | May 6, 2015 | Web Design and Development

There are great web hosting deals all over the globe where web hosts serve clients around the world. Regardless of where your website is, your target audience can access it through the wonderful worldwide web. So why should you opt for Canadian web hosting versus something across the ocean? Here are some things to consider:

You Need or Want a .ca Website

If you want a .ca website you’ll need to get it from a .ca domain registrar that offers Canadian domain names. You could opt to get web hosting elsewhere and bring your Canadian domain name with you but many would prefer one-stop shopping.

Legal Reasons to Have a Canadian Web Host

There are certain scenarios where it is absolutely essential to stay local. If it is your responsibility to safeguard data about your customers, members, partners, and that information is processed via your website then you need to know that the data is being managed in a compliant way. Not all countries have the same laws about storing data safely. By dealing in your own country you will know that the data is hosted in Canada and that it will be managed according to Canadian guidelines.

Local Canadian Support

Having support locally isn’t just easier from a communication perspective where time zones are concerned, it’s also something many people prefer. Dealing with choppy overseas calling plans that have time delays, dealing with people who are difficult to communicate with due to linguistic barriers (Many overseas webhosting companies will offer English support but may not offer French Canadian support, for example.), and dealing with time zone problems could all amount to getting a level of support that does not meet your needs. You’re paying for web hosting that includes support, right? You should expect excellence.


Some simply prefer to deal locally. Knowing your data is in Toronto or Montreal, for example, could simply put your mind at ease.

Canadian web hosting may or may not be a necessity for you, depending on your situation but if you’ve reviewed the above benefits of hosting locally you may decide it is your best bet. Reviewing your options for local Canadian web hosting plans will reveal a variety of solutions. Whether you need a business plan, want something small, want dedicated servers with a bunch of bells and whistles; doing some research will help you find the Canadian web hosting plan that is right for you.

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