Vape Yourself into Better Physical Shape!

by | Aug 14, 2015 | Cigar Shop

Vaping has dramatically increased in popularity in recent years, due in no small part to the recent release of various studies that have shown the effectiveness of vaping as a viable alternative to traditional smoking. Most experts agree that e-cigarette vapor is significantly safer than the smoke produced by tobacco cigarettes, but the question of whether or not vaping can serve as a means to permanently kick the smoking habit has still somewhat been up for debate. A recent scientific electronic cigarette study released by the Penn State College of Medicine has definitely boosted the credibility of vaping as a less addictive form of nicotine delivery than regular smoking, which has prompted many skeptics to take a second look at e-cigarettes as a legitimate means to curb smoking urges.

According to the study conducted by Penn State, smokers of regular tobacco cigarettes who have recently made the switch to e-cigarettes have reported feeling “less addicted” to electronic cigarettes versus the level of cravings and withdrawals that they experienced when using traditional cigarettes. Even though many of the smokers who were surveyed in the study use e-cigarettes with the same frequency as their old tobacco counterparts, the study indicated that the withdrawal symptoms and intensity of cravings experienced by the participants measured significantly less versus when they were using their old smokes. The study also mentioned that the participants who had switched to disposable e-cig cigarettes (or other vaping devices) felt less inclined to smoke overall, and were less irritable when they were unable to smoke.

The study was comprised of an online survey of over 3,500 e-cigarette users, and focused on detecting similarities and differences between the users’ former tobacco cigarette usage versus their current e-cigarette usage. The conclusion of the study offered one primary point: Although the amount of nicotine consumed by users was roughly the same (24 traditional cigarettes versus 24 e-cigarettes per day), the characteristics of their physical dependency did change, and were somewhat lessened in intensity when using e-cigarettes. This has given ex-smokers a reason to rejoice, as the physical withdrawal symptoms that they were used to experiencing with traditional tobacco cigarettes have been greatly reduced now that they have switched to e-cigs, which has essentially served to improve their physical health and overall quality of life.

Breathe Intelligent Cigarette provides the public with educational information regarding the Electronic Cigarette Industry. Please visit to learn more and to purchase electronic cigarette, vaping, and e-hookah products including wholesale distribution.

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