Interesting Stats for BOYD in Business

by | Jul 1, 2013 | Business & Economy

The rising trend of employees using their own personal devices for business purposes has opened some interesting doors for employees and businesses alike. Even larger corporations can gain by slowly implementing changes as staff leaves and old devices become passé. Here are some interesting statistics for you to consider regarding BYOD:

  • According to Morgan Stanley the number of Smartphone users is growing by 42 percent annually.
  • According to Gartner two out of three people in the mobile workforce will own Smartphones by 2016 with 40 percent mobile.
  • Globally there are 57.1 percent of employees using BYOD
  • The reason employees like the BYOD option in mature countries is it allows for better job performance, more flexibility on the job and they only require a single phone.
  • In the U.S. 42 percent of employees prefer to use their Smartphone over a PC.
  • 42 percent of employees in the 18-24 prefer their own Smartphone, 33 percent prefer it in the 25-34 group and 38 percent prefer it in the 35-49 age group.
  • There has been 82 percent growth seen in the use of BYOD in the U.S. with a 72 percent appreciation in BYOD from employees.
  • Future and planned use of BYOD is growing with 65 percent leaning towards Android, 77 percent towards Apple and 84 percent towards Blackberry.

The most popular enterprise apps developed for BYOD are:

  • 86 percent email
  • 80 percent web browser
  • 75 percent calendar
  • 73 percent instant messaging
  • 71 percent office apps
  • 63 percent task and management
  • 62 percent social media
  • 59 percent lines of media
  • 51 percent sales and CRM

Employee behavior stats demonstrate 65 percent of employees do not verify security settings when shopping online. Therefore, most businesses that are savvy to the advantages of BYOD are also savvy to the security and compatibility risks. They turn to Mobile Device Management services to provide them with the enterprise apps management and mobile security solutions that help to avoid security risks, gain control over enterprise apps and resources and also help employees to comply with and understand company policies regarding BYOD. The benefits of BYOD include improved performance and a reduction in operating costs. Two benefits that walk hand-in-hand.



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