If You Have Been In A Car Accident, A Lawyer Can Help

by | Feb 5, 2018 | Lawyers

In any car accident, there is always a host of questions; who is to blame? Who is responsible for paying for the damage? Who will pay the medical bills? Is it possible to get compensation for pain and suffering? Who will pay your lost income? These are a few of the questions that need to be addressed; experienced Chicago car accident lawyers can help you understand your rights and help in negotiating a settlement.

Most car accident lawyers work on contingency; they get their fee out of your final award. Under these circumstances, it is certainly in your best interest to have professional legal assistance.

Lawyers know the laws and procedures:

When you hire seasoned Chicago car accident lawyers, you have a knowledgeable professional working on your behalf. Your lawyers know the laws and rules that may have an impact on your case.

The statute of limitations in Illinois is two years from the date of the accident. Lawyers know this, and they understand the ramifications if the action is not filed within the time limit given. Your lawyers will be able to file a lawsuit knowing the possible defense that will be raised by the lawyers of the accused. Once the case is underway, your lawyer will prepare for court in the event the case cannot be settled out of court.

Understand that lawyers associated with the insurance company will represent the accused; when a seasoned lawyer represents you, you automatically level the playing field.

There is a great deal of work to be done before successfully negotiating a settlement with the insurance company or, if that fails, taking the case to court. It would be a mistake on your part to undertake these tasks; your primary concern is to recover from your injuries. Your lawyer’s primary concern is getting you an equitable settlement.

If you have been in a car accident caused by another driver, you can hire Chicago car accident lawyers and sue for damages. For a free evaluation of your case, contact the Shea Law Group. Like us on our facebook page.

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