Ensure Your Pool is Enjoyable All Summer With Quality Pool Repair in Pearland

by | Jun 6, 2015 | Swimming Pools and Spas

One of the problems with living around Houston is the extreme heat during the summer months. Of course, some people enjoy the heat, but the rest are left with finding ways to cool down. One of their options is a swimming pool, but this can be exasperating if the pool gets damaged or the water treatment system fails. Pool repair in Pearland can eliminate these problems provided you contact an expert. Hiring a fly-by-night repairman could leave you with more problems than you realize because these shady characters might simply jury-rig the system so that it appears to work. When these flimsy fixes fail, you could end up with a more expensive repairs than the original problem.

One type of Pool Repair in Pearland that affects above ground pools is damage to the liner. Most of these pool types use a liner made from PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride). Unfortunately, PVC is easily torn, and even a small rip could result in most of the water leaking onto the surrounding ground. Above ground pools can also suffer damage around the clips that secure the top of the liner and degradation of the exterior wall. The latter occurs from exposure to the elements while the former is often caused by swimmers pulling on the sides of the pool.

Most pool problems handled by experts such as Cryer Pools are the result of neglect or old filtering systems. People tend to forget that the pool filters require proper cleaning or that the pool chemical needs to be added on a regular basis. Once the pool has been neglected for a certain amount of time, the gunk that is filtered out can build up around pipe walls or connectors. This can block the flow of water into the filter system or reduce the flow back into the pool. Fixing this problem usually requires that a technician break down the various filtering components and removing the gunk from any dirty parts. Sometimes, mechanical components such as pumps can fail. This is generally an easy repair because the problem is normally obvious, and most parts are easy to access. Of course, when the problem is due to electrical failure, it can take a lot more effort to trace the fault.

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