Will a Local Dental Office in Kona Help with Dental Implants

by | Jul 13, 2015 | Dental Services

Dental implants are the best treatment to replenish the partial or total absence of teeth. Available scientific evidence confirms that its short-term success is about 98%, and in fifteen years will be around 90%. However, of the more than three hundred brands of implants available and used, only five of them reported studies of long-term use. In December 2014, the first published comparative study between the four leading brands of dental implants in the world showed that the Straumann brand performed best in the short and long term.

There is long-term data on the use of short and narrow diameter implants. These are two of the most important advances in implant dentistry today. Short implants (6 and 8 mm) and narrow (around 3.3mm in diameter) have the same success as implants equipped with greater length and diameter, but its use allows the patient to save on major surgeries, bone regeneration, treatment time, time at the Dental Office in Kona and economic costs.

Morbidity and the difficulty of treatment with dental implants are very small, which makes it minimally invasive. With this advance, patients can avoid complex surgery and bone augmentation and can have their implants placed in six to eight weeks. So, the question remains, Which dental implants should you ask a Dental Office in Kona about?

Narrow titanium-zirconium alloy implants are highly resistant, and reduce the need for wider implants placed in areas of low availability of bone or aesthetic areas. Dentists now know that the use of narrow implants in the anterior area is related to better aesthetic results. Visit here to know more.

Another advance made in recent years is the possibility for the patient to have permanent teeth on implants between three and four weeks after implant placement. This evidence has been proven for over ten years, which means patients with increased demand should only wait about 21 days to get their implants.

Implant dentistry is evolving very rapidly for the benefit of the patient. 2015 has shown that the use of short, narrow and “smart” implants allows patients to get the smile they deserve in less time, after a simple intervention. Patients will also save on significant economic costs and complications. Contact Carter S. Yokoyama D.D.S. to learn more.

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