DIY Kits vs. Professional Repair

by | Dec 17, 2015 | Automotive

Many people purchase do-it-yourself kits to repair their car windshields. The main reason people choose this option is because it is cheap and easy to do. It also provides instant results for their windshield. You may think you are doing your windshield a favor but you are not. The cost of the kit and having someone to inspect it would cost about the same as it would have cost to fix the chip in the windshield to begin with.

What is wrong with DIY Kits?

DIY repair kits for windshields have instructions, a tool to get rid of broken glass, a way to inject resin into the broken area, and some curing film. The step-by-step instructions show you how to do perform the task but if you are not trained then you are most likely doing it wrong. Professionals who repair windows regularly have fixed hundreds of rock chips. They should be the one to fix the damage because with their expertise, they will not provide any more damage to the windshield.

DIY kits can take up to two hours to finish. A professional from a Dallas auto glass replacement company could have the job in less than 30 minutes, sometimes even 15.

Things to Know

There are certain things that a professional glass repair technician will know about repairing a windshield that you won’t. You have to know how much pressure will need to be applied in order to keep the windshield from cracking. Professional equipment must be used in order to make sure the area is completely filled. There are a number of different types of breaks so it is important that know the difference between them so you know how to repair them.

Don’t be embarrassed

If you have tried to do it yourself and it did not work out the way you had originally planned then call a professional right away to prevent further damage from occurring in the windshield. You wouldn’t be the first person to make a mistake with a DIY windshield repair kit. The sooner that you call someone to help the better. The technician will be able to repair the problem in less time than you think.

If you are a professional when it comes to glass repair then a DIY kit will work fine. However, if you are not a professional you should leave the work up to someone who has the experience.

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